A few words about the current situation...
It was not an easy task to want to offer a perspective to oneself and other art historians, because only about 2% of art historians work in this field later on. And to be honest - we failed with the original idea. That's why all content on this website is free of charge, we create it with our heart and soul and don't get any money for it. And that is basically ok.
As art historians, we have lived from the "offline" work, i.e. lectures, guided tours, events and others. However, all that has ceased since March and it looks like it will continue for a while.
Therefore, if you like our work, we ask you to support it. Every little amount helps and is a great recognition for our work. Use the paypal button above or this bank account:
the artinspector
Sparda Bank West eG
IBAN: DE39 3706 0590 0003 2834 96
reason for payment: artinspector support
Attention: we can not issue donation receipts
If you can't or don't want to support us financially, but still want to contribute, we are happy to receive feedback and suggestions. However, if you are an art historian yourself and are interested in publishing your texts with us, please contact us here.