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Masterpieces of Art described by art historians
Sandro Botticelli - Primavera
Raphael - The Beautiful Gardener
Raphael Santi - The Triumph of Galataea
Leonardo da Vinci - The lady with the ermine
Titian - Lucretia and her husband Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus
Albrecht Dürer - Self-portrait with fur-trimmed rope
Sandro Botticelli - The Birth of Venus
Sandro Botticelli - Female ideal portrait
Jacopo de Babari - Still Life with Partridge, Iron Gloves and Crossbow Strips
Titian - Bacchus and Ariadne
Pieter Bruegel d.Ä. - Dulle Griet
Hans Baldung Grien - The Three Ages and Death
Hans Baldung Grien - Mary with the Parrot
Lucas Cranach the Elder - The Unequal Couple
Jacopo Tintoretto - Susanna in the Bath
Lorenzo Lotto - Susanna in the Bath
Raffael - Madonna della Seggiola
Paris Bordone - Bathsheba in the bath
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Head of a peasant woman
Girolamo da Carpi - Opportunity and Remorse